23. Sharpie is Endless (Extreme)

This came to me because of the endless possibilities that come with Sharpie, the ability to create, to learn, to express, to teach, and so much more.  This writing utensil has made itself into so much more, I think it is due to the culture it came up in and the value we put on art.  Even the simplest of things can hold so much beauty and this pen made it that much easier to create and those creations spread ideas and those ideas sparked new ideas and new creations and this brand made the process endless.


I think of it like an endless cup of coffee you know? Like a lot of restaurants advertise, obviously you drink the cup of coffee and it gets empty but then it is refilled before you even get a chance to notice it was gone.  This relates to Sharpie in the aspect that the ideas are endless, when you create your idea, share it with the world, it is like the server giving the cup of coffee.  The person drinking the coffee is the people that see your idea, they drink it, take it in.  And as the coffee satisfies their taste, the idea gives them an idea so they create something, this creation is like you, the server, noticing the cup is empty, and so you must refill it.  It is the same as you seeing a new creation, it gives you a new idea, a fresh cup of coffee! So, you refill the cup with your new idea and the people enjoy it its endless, you can never have enough of a good thing.


This made me think what if physical Sharpies were endless, so I made the picture above, but what if when your Sharpie ran out of ink there were thousands of “Sharpie ambassadors” that run around “refilling” Sharpies, you run out and they give you a new one.  Anyway just a silly idea I had.

This comes into the idea of aplomb through the creation of ideas, you use a Sharpie to bring to life your creation and you would not share that creation if you weren’t confident in what you made, so you go to the one brand that delvers just that, Sharpie.

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